Notes on the Creative Process: Ridiculous Writing Offers
Bo Catlett: “There's nothin' to know. You have an idea, you write down what you wanna say. Then you get somebody to add in the commas and...

Notes on the Creative Process: Monetization
As I approached the two year anniversary of the channel (September 12, 2020), I started putting down my thoughts regarding the lessons I...

How things change...
Never expected this... the former CEO of SolidWorks liked one of my Tweets. (And I'm going to an event tomorrow with the former VP of...

300 Videos!
I just posted my 300th video for the Creo Parametric YouTube channel, just before the 1 year anniversary. Soon I'll be adding more...

I'm in Boston for LiveWorx. I go to check in to my hotel last night for two nights and it's literally straight from The Simpsons: "In...

Replacement Cards
Whenever I get a replacement credit card or credit card, I cut my old card up into four pieces. But I make sure not to throw the pieces...

My emails at work have been getting a lot more attention lately. I've been signing them off with "See you in Hell" and a smiley face....

This isn't your last company
At my present company, I am both a CADmin as well as the process owner for Design and Development for our aerospace industry...

TinyURL for YouTube Channel
Hey everyone, you can now find the Creo Parametric YouTube channel at the easy to remember Tiny URL of http://tinyurl.com/CreoParametric....

Join me at LiveWorx!
I've been invited to speak at LiveWorx 2019 in Boston from June 10 - 13, so if you're attending, I hope I see you there and you check out...