5 Million Viewing Minutes!
Creo Parametric YouTube Channel surpasses 5 million minutes watch time.

Video Release Schedule for the Week of 1 March 2021
Creo Parametric YouTube channel video release schedule for the week of 1 March 2021.

Video Release Schedule for the Week of 22 Feb 2021
Creo Parametric YouTube Channel video release schedule for the week of February 22, 2021.

Creo Layouts (Part 2)
How to create and import geometry into a Creo Layout.

600 Videos!
Celebrating the posting of the 600th video to the Creo Parametric YouTube channel!

Video Release Schedule for Week of 15 Feb 2021
Creo Parametric YouTube channel video release schedule for the week of February 15, 2021.

Creo Layouts (Part 1)
Overview of Layouts in Creo (part 1) explaining their history vs. Notebooks and the general concept.

Multibody Modeling Use Cases
Creo Parametric Multibody Modeling Use Cases

Video Release Schedule for Week of 8 Feb 2021
Creo Parametric YouTube channel video release schedule for the week of February 8, 2021.