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Rethinking the Professional New Normal

Since the beginning of the pandemic, people have been discussing the “New Normal” for the workplace that we will resume once a vaccine becomes available, herd immunity is achieved, and we’re able to go back to the office.

Things will never be like they were in 2019. But they can be better. Here are three professional situations I have experienced since the beginning of stay at home:

· My organization at my former company had a policy of “no work at home.”

· Two professional certifications I achieved during the pandemic formerly required in-center testing.

· Another professional certification required in-person attendance in a training class with numerous small-group exercises.

All found remote options and workarounds. In truth those “requirements” were preferred and not required.

I am an interviewer for my alma mater and this year they are not requiring applicants to submit standardized test scores. States like New York, California, and Massachusetts have delayed the bar exam for lawyers while Washington, Utah, and Oregon have a diploma privilege that allows law school graduates to practice without passing the bar.

The pandemic helps us realize what we used to think of as necessary was simply desired or nice to have. We should take the pandemic as an opportunity to revisit practices that are maintained due to tradition and may no longer work in 2020 and beyond.


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